I guess it's all down to personal choice on wheels, I changed wheels on both my Alpines because I had too. The Lemans replica for obvious reasons, the standard rims would not fill those lovely arches by a long way and the rims on the atmo where badly buckled. Therefore it was a far cheaper option to go for larger lighter rims with more accessible/affordable tyres options. I actually prefer the standard rims without the centres gives them depth and a race wheel look, but I can buy a new set of replacement rims and tyres for a little bit more than a set of tyres for these rims.
The Azev's however, I have had a love affair with these rims, not the softer rounded spoke version but the original Azev A
. These are a heavy rim though, but the only affordable rim at the time,which has just about the required dimensions to work in the Lemans arches. I am not a keep it original person if something suits my needs/ desires more then I'll go for it. I personally think that there are only a couple of external points which really date the GTA. The wheels for obvious size reasons, the front indicators and the headlights. The Lemans loses the afterthought front indicators
the wheels changed only leaves the headlights which look much better without the indicators.
I personally think my lightweight multispoke 18 x 9 & 17x7.5 rims respectively look totally at home on the GTA V6, i'm always getting compliments and I am happy.
So fit what you want, what suits your pocket and be happy too