by stephendell » Fri Apr 30, 2004 6:18 pm
The idea is just to give the car power. So + from jump pack/charger to a meaty accessible + on car i.e. starter + or main distribution + (under plastic cover). Then - from jump pack/charger to block/chassis or other decent earth point. Then with power on use the key and the solenoid should release. The problem with early GTA's is that there is no physical connection between the key barrel and the lock so you need power to get in. On the later cars this is no longer a problem.
I've only ever used this trick with a flat battery, so maybe it doesn't work with no battery at all.
Don't break any glass. It's all expensive or needs special bits of trim/bonding etc. Phone Paul on 02087666480 if you get stuck.
Good luck!!