David Gentleman wrote:For someone who wants my advice and use my products on your engine, you don't half get my back up.
ok ok, my bad, and I apologise. Although the feeling is sometimes mutual when you speak so authoritatively on doing stuff that I've thrown a lot of time into and then gets passed off as "easy", or "wrong" when I know full well that there are a hundred and one pitfalls that you only find out when you actually try building a PRV from scratch. If you're unlucky, you find them out when you put the car on the road and it doesn't work or dies very quickly. Yes, been there, done that.
You DO do good stuff, Dave, and I believe I was the first to get a PRV going using an Adaptronic, and have bought three and will soon be buyign another, if I can get some pistons.... I want to use your chargecoolers (in fact I knew about PWR before you became a dealer). I know what it's like to be a "vendor" and I'm actually mightily glad to be out of that now, but I am happy to throw money behind good products.
in the spirit of good relations, I highly recommend against running a shallow pressed sump on your new engine. Go with the orignal and fill it with as much oil as it will handle, and in tight cornering and with the amount of power you're expecting, you still run the risk of oil starvation. If I can kill a DeLorean engine with 130 at the wheels on a good day, you sure as hell will in a GTA.
I did want to go back and remove the "DG moment" comment, but clee had already quoted me! sorry about that.