by kjclymo » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:11 am
It was interesting to read the thread on clutch fluid and gearbox probs as just recently after a long motorway drive (100m) from bedale to hull. the first time I had to stop at a traffic light controlled roundabout (about 96 m)I could not engage any gears at all. I had to crash one after 2nd change of lights and drive last couple of miles in second. Previous to that i had noticed a clunkiness with the gears while out on longer runs. Reverse has always been a pain to engage with me almost leaping out my seat to lift the lever up. and first if moving, protests grindingly. However this is worrying. I have changed fluid and checked g box oil. Still clunking persists after a while. When engine cold and car in first 15 20 min of travel everything fine. then clunkier again. Clutch depressed right down when changing still doesn't make much difference. Havn't taken it on long journey lately cos daren't.
What should I get my mech to tackle first. wrap the pipes to stop the heat as suggested in the thread or do people think clutch - bite bullet dismantle and replace. 10000 miles ago clutch master cylinder revamped, think new one put in. Engine and prob clutch has done 96000
All thoughts and advice welcome.
Had some good driving in her till this.
Been busy at work lately so this is good opp to catch up on all the discussions etc.
Ken Clymo
'If everything seems under control then you're just not going fast enough'