Pity that Classic Cars didn't get the article proofed to confirm the Alpine information
Hi Tim, (nice to see you here by the way!)
As is always the case they never seem to do this. I don't know why but the journo's always seem to insist on doing all their own research, invariably referring back to previous earlier issues of the same magazine or another from the same publishing house so any errors get repeated ad infinitum, or made worse like Chinese whispers. For whatever reason they like to retain 'ownership' of the article and almost seem to take offence if you offer to check or proof read.
We find this just as annoying as I'm sure you do, the thing is I guess they are often writing to the 'general' public who don't normally notice these detail errors and just want to get a general flavour of the car. It's usually only when someone has actually bought one that they get more concerned with the accuracy.
Also when journalists contact independent specialists they will tend to take their word as verbatim even when opinions differ even on something as simple as servicing costs. These conversations are often over the phone, with notes taken in haste and the specialists themselves are sometimes suprised as to what has been written and attributed to their name.
I think in the dozens of articles that I have offered snippets of info or even just pictures for I can think of only one recently where the journalist took the time to submit the article for proof reading and even then there were still one or two corrections that were ignored for whatever reason. Seems we marque specialists don't always know best.
One of the most annoying for us was a buyers guide specifically for the GTA Le Mans which was constantly referred to as an A610 throught the article. When we mentioned this later to the author the response was along the lines of 'well they're all the same really any way aren't they'
When judged against that sort of criteria I don't think they did too badly in Classic Cars, at least they got the model right!
I'd like to think that the more highbrow or more prestigious the article the more accurate the research but that doesn't always seem to be the case!
I would even suggest that sometimes magazines take offence to detailed analysis of their research.
I guess we will always have to accept that there are going to be some errors in article like these. Certainly whenever I read one I know it's just a matter of time before I will come across something that's 'wrong'.
I think it's fair to say that I don't think anyone has such an encyclopaedic knowledge of the history of the Berlinette in the UK as yourself.
At the end of the day it's just a magazine article not a reference work, that's where you should come in...
Have you though about writing a book on the A110 that could be used as a reference source for the future:D
Trafic, Twingo GT, Vel Satis Turbo x 2, Clio V6 Proto Ph2, Vel Satis 3.5, Avantime, Alpine A610, GTA Atmo x 3, GTA Turbo x 3, R5 Gordini Turbo Mid Engine, Alpine A310 4cyl, Alpine A110, Yellow Smart