Tony Smith wrote: Even in good condition they often cause problems (Cue John C :0))
Goading me now are you Tony?
Now back in circulation, I have to say, I have had no real problems with mine..... yes, they do appear to be complicated, but really they are not, as long as jets, small vacuum hoses are in good condition, all pivots are not sticking, and the accelerated idle part is working, all should OK.
The choke however can be troublesome,.... but yes, in this case,... (if it is in fact the choke causing the flat spot) ... it could be the wax actuator causing the problem, but there are a couple of other things which can cause the choke not to operate correctly which should be checked first before trying to source a new wax actuator.
It is a pity this thread has gone underground so we dont know what is going on, so I am reluctant to put my tuppence worth in.