One of my favourite cars, especially after watching the Italian Job as a kid!
I do carry a fire extinguisher as Venturi 200 and 260 have the occasional desire to go flambé due to an electrical fault, mine had a go at this not long after I got it. I was lucky as I was in traffic and saw smoke from the engine cover grill, I was able to pull into a lay by and tackle the problem. After turning off the ignition the intensity reduced and I then soaked a tee shirt in peach flavoured water and smothered the area to cool the wiring and deny oxygen to the area. I then called the AA and was transported home, we were on our way to a weekend away with friends, I hate to think what the outcome may have been if it had happened on the A1M at 70 mph as I doubt I would have seen the smoke!
The issue and as I said it is a fault that has happened a few times is a large wiring connector block, it gets dirty and loose with age and resistance builds up causing overheating and if unlucky flames. My auto electrician cut this out and replaced it with a more superior product, (can't remember what now), but it will take longer to remove the engine in future as it was a connector for the engine loom. Small price though when considering the option. Must remember to mention this to Ian for his Venturi rebuild.
Venturi 260 Atlantique - Flambe
The offending connector