I stupidly forced my bonnet down with slightly too much gear inside it. The lever in the cockpit pushed down with pressure but when I came to open it the lever swung free. I dismantled the lever and one of the two cables was free. Re attached it but with no success. Have tried pulling on the cables with pliers, gloved hand etc but with no luck. Smelly sports kit getting smellier and would like my digital camera back. No petrol left and battery flat. How on earth do I get it open. Easily I hope! but if its like my slave cylinder not a chance.
if you look up in under the front wings you will see three 10mm or 11mm headed nuts. these hold the mechanism together. hopfully these will snap off for you, other wise they will be rusted solid and slow to remove. when open you can fix the problem. if the nuts do snap then you will need to remove old bolts and weld on new ones to the linkage, and then a dab of paint.
Well thats two for the front wings/wheel arches approach and one for the more subtle chain saw - there have been times when the chain saw would have won easily.
Any other offers before I buy a welding kit and or chain saw.
If you've managed to re-attach the cable, get some peeps to put some weight on the bonnet near the fasteners ,this should push the hooks down a bit and free up the locking mechanism enough to operate .
Had the same problem on mine a while back.
If the studs do shear, as was the case on mine you do not need to buy a welding kit. All you have to do, is drill straight through where the previous studs were from the top. And replace with nuts and bolts.
Hope this helps.
Many thanks to those who replied on the forum. Eventually got bonnet down car towed to my local mechanic after weeks of waiting. Two people squidged on top of bonnet in the right places and Jean pulled on the bonnet cable with some proper grippers and wizzo up she popped. As easy as that. 6 weeks without the car over in an instant. Since then she's been to Bolton and up to Newcastle. Running sweet as a sewing machine but quicker. Life is good again